ForteBird CureBird Forte 150 g
Curebird Forte is a unique combination of sodium butyrate protected with fatty acids distilled from palm and a set of essential oils such as oregano and ginger among others, effective throughout the gastrointestinal tract that allows the gradual release of the product during the digestion of the bird. .
It is a great alternative to antibiotics due to its proliferative properties, its antibacterial properties (Gram + and Gram -) and its anti-inflammatory properties.
Since it is not a medication, the intestinal flora is not at risk of being damaged.
Instructions for use: Administer 2g of Curebird forte per kilogram of food preventively.
When the birds show clear symptoms, the dose can be increased to 5g per kilogram of food for 7 days.
Composition: Sodium salts of butyric acid protected with distilled fatty acids...70%, essential oils... csp
Formats: 50gr, 150gr and 300gr