Vet-Schroeder Tollisan Neo-Oxygen Enzyme Yeast 250 ml
250 ml
Neo-Oxygen is not a mixture of individual substances. To a greater degree, it is vitality-promoting yeast cells grown in a special production process with the addition of vitamins. One tablespoon (15 ml) contains about 100 billion enzyme yeast cells Dr. Wolz. As the temperature of 32°C is not exceeded, our organism enzymes, essential trace elements and vitamins can be provided in their vitality-promoting form with this nutritional supplement.
Liquid brewer’s yeast such as “Neo-Oxygen 3 plus” is served to the pigeons via their food in the racing, moulting and winter periods by many breeders. For many years this was a secret kept by top breeders!
Neo-Oxygen is a concentrate, dilute 20-30ml (2-3 tablespoons) per day into 250ml of a drink while having a meal or afterwards. Consume in one or more doses. We recommend to mix it into some apple juice.
5ml on 1kg of feed
Average nutritional values per 30ml:
Niacine (NE) 8mg, vitamine B12 1,2μg
Alcohol content:
contains alc. 12% vol. natural fermentation alcohol
Yeast cells 65%, fruit juice concentrate (orange, grapefruit, lemon), apple juice out of apple juice concentrate, inactive, dryed yeast cells, wheat germ oil, 1,5% acerola juice powde, nicotinamide, vitamine B12